
The Short List of Dan Smigrod’s 21 Tips for Creating Great MLS Photos Using Your Smartphone

We tell our agents all. the. time…

Don’t use your phone to take your listing photos.

Do they all listen to us? No.


There are a number of recommended professional photographers that work with Rector Hayden agents.  Feel free to ask around!

DeathtoStock_Wired10If you can’t follow that tip, then Dan Smigrod’s got 21 Tips for how to create decent photos using your smartphone (hint: I said smartphone – this only includes newer models of smartphones, not all camera phones). These tips are great even if you are using an actual digital camera! Check out the list below or see the original post here: Dan’s 21 MLS Photo Tips

21. Shoot from the corners of a room to get the widest angle view.

20. Turn on lights. (just because your eyes have adjusted doesn’t mean your camera will)

19. Do “frame” (compose) your shots. Have you images in order of the flow of the home – like you are taking a tour.  Compose your shots to focus on the features that you would point out to prospective clients when they walk through.

18. Do turn on HDR setting when shooting towards windows (helps reduce “blown out” outside lighting).  If you’re an iphone user, that HDR setting is at the top next to the flash.

17. Do turn on HDR setting when shooting the exterior of the house (both the house and sky will look better).

16. When shooting towards bright windows, do close curtains and set blinds to half closed.

15. Do add drama from high above (shoot from a loft or open stair case).

14. Do add drama from below (shoot from the curb, or an open staircase).

13. Do add drama by shooting from angles (adds perspective).

12. Do “tap” to focus (when the camera is confused). Focus will likely improve lighting, too. On your smartphone you can tap where you want the focus to be – whether its foreground or background.

11. Do get closer (do not use the digital zoom feature on your smartphone).  Digital Zoom is a lie.  It’s just cropping the photo before you take it.

10. Do use mirrors to your advantage by shooting from an angle into mirrors to “see” the mirror and room.

9. Do experiment with panorama mode for outside landscaping.

8. Do shoot outdoors at the “Golden Hour,” when possible; that makes for a nice glow (but turn the home’s lights on, too!).

7. Do get closer when a wide-angle is not the answer.

6. Do keep an inspirational scrapbook of great photos! When you’re looking at other listings and you see great photos, save them to remind yourself of angles or ideas for shots.

5. Do have the sun to your back if at all possible.

4. Do use a wide-angle lens accessory, along with a mini-tripod and camera timer for tight spaces with mirrors.

3. Do use a “selfie pole” and timer to shoot aerials.

2. Do flood dark spaces with extra lighting that you bring with you.

1. Do think what’s special about this house, and how to shoot it.

Do you have your own Real Estate Tips & Tricks that you’d like to share?  June L. would love to schedule an interview with you for upcoming #RHRTipTuesday articles!